Dealing with Disappointment

Have you ever felt like a Failure? Join the club! You’re in good company with the rest of the human race.

We’ve all experience setback, adversity, failure, pain and frustration. In many ways, I believe Disappointment is s universal language. It’s something we can all relate to, but we don’t talk much about how to get through it. I definitely don’t have all the answers, but I do believe God gives us some important Truths to remember when we’re dealing with life’s disappointments.

1. You’re not defined by your Failures (or by your Successes). We live in a world that tries to put us in either a “Winner” Column or a “Loser” Column. God doesn’t categorize us that way. Your value isn’t based on your performance; it’s based on God’s never-ending love for you.

2. You are growing through this process. You might now feel like it, but your’e being stretched, disciplined and strengthened as you endure life’s hardships. God promises to work everything together for our good and His Glory. If you’re going through something difficult, it’s probably because God is preparing you for something great!

3. Great blessings are ahead. If God closes a door, it’s because He has a better one that he wants you to discover. Sometimes it takes many closed doors before we’re ready for the right one. In the meantime, we’ve got to choose the right attitude. Disappointment will always produce either Bitterness or Growth in your Life, but You get to decide which one!

4. God is Bigger than whatever is stressing you out! No matter how big the Fear or Failure might seem, God is bigger and He is with you! He says, “Never will I leave you or forsake you.” Never let fear rob you of your dreams.

I don’t believe you are reading these words by accident. I believe God wants to remind you that He loves you, He is with you and He will never let you down. Keep trusting Him and don’t lose hope! Disappointments are temporary but your Destiny is Eternal. Remember His promises…

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:!!

5 thoughts on “Dealing with Disappointment

  1. Athlone says:

    I have been severely disappointed and hurt recently and am by the grace of God coming through this terrible time. This word if encouragement was just for me, thank you for your faithfullness in bringing and sharing it.


  2. ummmm, that is the craziest you tube advertisement i have ever seen on a pastors blog (kia sandman commercial-at least it is on my end). doubt you even know its there…but the mesage…..RIGHT ON TIME as always! The Gordons ❤ you guys!

  3. […] Yesterday, I received in my inbox a blog post from one of my favorite bloggers Soul Caffeine. The post was about dealing with disappointments and not being defined by your failures or successes. You can read that article by clicking here. […]

  4. lesley says:

    Needed this,wow,wow,wow. This was written for me today,everything I’m going through,to the T.

    Thank you,felt asif Abba was directly speaking to me,

  5. Michelle says:

    Great post, Dave! Thanks for the reminder.

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